How much does it cost?

Zero Degrees Design typically produces videos for budgets between $1,000 - $5,000, but every video is different.

There are three main things that impact the cost of making a video. Duration, Complexity, and Service Level.


The duration of a video will obviously impact the time it will take to produce. Typically, explainer videos are under 2 minutes, and logo animations can be just a few seconds long.

If your budget is small, it may be best to keep your video shorter and more concise. However, it is NOT advisable to increase the pace of the video, trying to pack too much content into a shorter video. This will probably not make the video any quicker/cheaper to produce, and will also result in a video that is more difficult to watch and absorb.


Simple, minimal design looks beautiful (think of Apple, Google etc). But also, complex and visually engaging animation can be captivating and hold attention.

Complex elements take longer to design, and longer to animate, but they can give your video the wow factor that people remember, and want to share.

Transitions between scenes can be as simple as a ‘wipe’ of one full colour block to cover the previous scene… but more complex and more interesting transitions will carry the viewer from one scene to the next, and maintain attention by converting something they were focused on…into the next object in the story.

Service Level

Different clients have different requirements regarding level of service. Smaller companies, with faster approval mechanisms and smaller budgets are less likely to require multiple sign off’s of detailed visual storyboards.
Larger corporate clients, however, may have complex project milestone plans that require presentation and sign off of progress at multiple stages in design and production.

Whatever your budget is, its important to be clear about expectations of deliverables from the very start of the project. This will help avoid unexpected delays, and project overruns.